
2025 Aspire Convention

Submit an Abstract for the 2025 Aspire Convention

You are invited to disseminate your work to an international audience of Nursing Professional Development (NPD) experts and peers. Our call for abstracts to present at the 2025 ANPD Aspire Convention, to be held April 29 – May 2, 2025, in Las Vegas, NV, is now open. The 2025 ANPD Convention Content Planning Committee welcomes abstracts on inclusive evidence-based practice, research, and new, innovative, and practical approaches in NPD work that are utilized in a variety of settings. Submissions close July 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PT.

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Convention Goal

The ANPD Aspire Convention will serve as the premier education and networking event for NPD professionals and colleagues to share their expertise, knowledge, skills, best-practice, and advocacy for the NPD specialty on every level.

General Information & Requirements

  • ANPD seeks innovative and original content submissions. Content of abstracts and presentations should be new and not shared through prior presentation at other venues.
  • Content of all abstracts must be based on the latest evidence and free from product/company promotion.
  • Abstracts will be accepted for 30-min & 60-min concurrent sessions, 15-min microlearning sessions, and poster presentation sessions.

See Downloadable Resources below for the 2025 Abstract Submission Guide, which provides step-by-step instructions for submitting abstracts. 

Abstract Submission Criteria

Guided by the Nursing Professional Development Practice Model, the NPD practitioner works in the interprofessional practice and learning environments to positively impact the healthcare consumer/partner. Within this practice model, NPD practice throughputs “represent the ‘what’ of the NPD scope of practice as they are guided by the ‘why’ of the [NPD practitioner’s] organization’s mission and vision” (Harper & Maloney, 2022, p. 32). 

The six responsibilities of the NPD practitioner in the throughputs of the NPD Practice Model are used to categorize Aspire Convention presentations into educational tracks. You will be prompted in your abstract submission to identify which educational track (NPD responsibility) best aligns with your presentation content. You will also be prompted to indicate if your content aligns with four additional sub-categories. ANPD reserves the right to recategorize presentations as appropriate.  The six primary and four sub-category educational tracks are described below.

Educational Tracks

Click to view full descriptions of each educational track. 


Sessions describe innovative onboarding/orientation processes. Onboarding is the fluid process of hiring, orienting, socializing, and integrating an employee to the organization with a focus on retention and growth. Orientation is one component of the onboarding process and is comprised of an individualized program to guide the new hire towards job competency. Focus for content may be on developing, coordinating, managing, facilitating, conducting or evaluating onboarding and orientation programs.

Competency Management

Sessions describe innovative/transformational competency management processes. Competency management is a dynamic process designed to support ongoing assessment and evaluation of performance. Focus for content may be on the NPD expertise in competency assessment, development, coordination, management, facilitation, and evaluation of competency programs.


Sessions describe strategies used to improve professional practice (nursing and interprofessional education) and the provision of quality patient care. Content may relate to identification of practice gaps, initiatives developed to achieve outcomes in practice, and any component of the educational design process that enhances professional development as outlined in the Nursing Professional Development: Scope & Standards of Practice.

Role Development

Sessions describe identification and application of strategies to facilitate continuous growth through ongoing professional learning as learners advance from novice to expert in their professions and specialties. This type of development allows for role transition, role integration, skill acquisition, and mastery. Content may relate to professional role development, practice role transitions, and succession planning.

Collaborative Partnerships

Sessions describe mutually beneficial relationships between two or more individuals, groups, or organizations that work jointly toward common goals. These relationships may take place both within and external to the organization. Content may relate to partnerships to teach, coordinate, liaison, and/or advise concerning education and learning.


Sessions describe participation in inquiry, which includes research, evidence-based practice (EBP), and quality improvement (QI) activities. Content may relate to promotion and integration of discovery, teaching, practice for the nursing professional development specialty and in patient care settings. Focus of content may be on conducting, evaluating, encouraging, consuming, facilitating, or participating in inquiry.

Sub-Categories (if applicable)

Click to view full descriptions of each sub-category.


Sessions describe how the NPD practitioner influences the interprofessional practice and learning environments, the NPD specialty, the profession of nursing, and healthcare. Content may also reflect demonstration of NPD value, return on investment, and leadership through collaborative partnerships with stakeholders.

Diversity & Inclusion

Sessions describe professional development activities executed through a diversity and inclusion lens. Content may encompass any aspect of the human identity and/or experience, exemplifying how the NPD practitioner practices with cultural humility and inclusiveness. Content may also be related to social equity and determinants of health as well as global health awareness.

Healthy Work Environment

Sessions describe activities for promoting a healthy work environment. Content may address the facilitation of positive practice and learning environments that promote staff safety, engagement, and retention. Content may also include strategies known to improve work environments, such as workplace violence prevention efforts and nurse well-being initiatives.


Sessions describe activities that integrate the use of technology and its impact on educational strategies, learner engagement, and learning outcomes. Content includes the description of utilized technology without product or company promotion.

Abstract Review & Selection Process

  • ANPD conducts regular environmental scanning and needs assessments that guide the abstract selection process.
  • The ANPD Convention Content Planning Committee is composed of volunteer members who work in the NPD specialty and represent a variety of practice settings. Submitted abstracts are blinded, reviewed, and scored by the ANPD Convention Content Planning Committee.
  • Notification of acceptance or declination will be emailed to the primary presenter in October 2024.

Accepted Presenters

  • Accepted presenters of sessions must be available to present on any day of the Convention. Presenter scheduling preferences are not accepted or guaranteed.
  • All presenters and co-presenters of all session types are required to register for the full convention during the early registration period and are responsible for all convention registration costs (no discounts are provided).
  • Presenters can only be accepted as primary presenter for one concurrent or one microlearning session submission.

Session Types

Click to view full descriptions of each educational track. 

Concurrent Sessions: 30 or 60 minutes total, including 5-10 minute Q&A

Concurrent sessions are oral presentations utilizing creative learner engagement strategies.  Session length – 30 minutes or 60 minutes – is determined by ANPD.

Microlearning Sessions: 15 minutes total, including 5-minute Q&A

Microlearning sessions are fast-paced oral presentations. The presenter has ten minutes to present the highlights of their work, followed by five minutes for Q&A. Microlearning sessions share an hour with three other microlearning presenters.

Poster Presentation

Poster presentations are visual representations used to disseminate inclusive evidence-based practice, research, and new, innovative, and practical approaches that can be used in a variety of NPD settings.

Downloadable Resources

  • 2025 Abstract Submission Guide (We highly recommend downloading the for a step-by-step guide to submitting. The Guide can be used as a workbook to create your entire abstract submission prior to entering the submission website.)

Abstract Submission Instructions 

Please refer to the video, "2025 Aspire Abstraction Submission Instructions," for a step-by-step guide to submitting. You can also download the 2025 Call for Abstracts Guide for additional information and submission instructions. 

Submission Tips

Melissa Dibble, ANPD’s CPC Committee Chair provides tips to those submitting abstracts for the 2025 Aspire Convention in NPD in Motion.

Start Your Submission

To start your submission, please click the button below. You will use your ANPD account login information to access the abstract submission page.

PLEASE NOTE: It is highly recommended that you enter your information for each required submission component in the 2025 Abstract Submission Guide first, and copy/paste your information into the submission. While you are able to save abstract submissions in progress, once you submit your abstract, you will not be able to edit your entry.

Start Submission