NPD EBP Academy

Professional Development

NPD Evidence-Based Practice Academy


The purpose of the Nursing Professional Development (NPD) Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Academy is to enhance the EBP competencies of NPD practitioners to enable them to fulfill their role as champions of scientific inquiry. In addition, completion of the EBP Academy will result in building the skills to mentor other healthcare professionals in the implementation of EBP practices.


The Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Academy is a 12-month mentored program designed to guide the NPD practitioner through conducting an EBP change initiative at their organization or in their practice setting. Curriculum components include creating a PICOT question, gathering and critically appraising the literature, conducting an EBP initiative, implementing an intervention, evaluating the impact, dissemination, and sustainment. The Academy consists of live seminars and asynchronous modules for participants. In addition, participants are matched with a mentor who will be their guide and support them throughout the duration of the academy. Participants submit their work for inclusion in the poster presentation and are given the opportunity to be selected to present a podium presentation at the ANPD Aspire Convention.

Evidence-Based Practice Certification

ANPD and the Ohio State University College of Nursing Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare collaborated to provide this optional benefit for any participants interested in proceeding to apply to achieve the Evidence-based Practice Certification EBP-C.

Completion of the ANPD EBP Academy fulfills two of the three required components for the EBP-C application. The EBP-C is the ONLY globally recognized certification in the specialty area of evidence-based practice.

Learn more about the EBP-C

Applications for the 2024-2025 EBP Academy cohort will open in fall 2024. Check back here for more information.

Past Participants

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2022-2023 NPD EBP Academy Participants

Deanna Beveridge
Debbie Buchwach
Amy Conover
Casey Davis
Rebecca Garber
Timily Kennedy
Virginia Kuhlman
Melanie Marco
Casey O'Brien Benedetto
Carin Resseguie
Megan Suszek
Mindy Tindle
Janelle Wozniak

2021-2022 NPD EBP Academy Participants

Ghina Al Arab
Arlienita Beraya
Misty Burgett
Rebecca Clark
Rosa Costa
Chelsea Fassett
Danielle Glogovsky
Dawn Johnson
Casey Landsberg
Marina Martinez
Tracy Mrochek
Amy Patterson
Meghan Perrotta
Amy Rowland
Beth Stuckey
Kathy Thompson
Florence Vanek
Ellen Winkle

2020-2021 NPD EBP Academy Participants

Kerry Copeland
Taira Garcia
Jodi Guzman
Lauren Huzzy
Michelle Millard
Kelsie Romero
Adrianne Waters-Fechter
Nicole Wiswesser
Elissa Zorn

2019-2020 NPD EBP Academy Participants

Samantha Barrett
Virginia Beatty
Jacqueline Clemens
Emily DeMarco
Hazel Ferguson
Kimberlee Foster
Jennifer Gromko
Lynn Hardy
Anna Herbst
Carol Hunt
Andrea Lee-Riggins
Samantha Barrett
Michelle Livingston
Madeleine Ly
Alexandra Morrison
Diane Murphy
Bridget Nuxoll
Kathryn Robinson
Carol Swamidoss Douglas
Gina Tocio
Jennifer Truax
Beth Wentland
Cameron Wilson